Check Out Our November Clients Of The Month

Check Out Our November Clients Of The Month

We are super pumped to celebrate Anna Muse as our BFP Family Member of The Month! ...more


March 02, 20243 min read

New Year's Resolutions and Parkinson's Law

New Year's Resolutions and Parkinson's Law

You know you’re not going to follow through with it, so why set yourself up for failure? And do you know why you and millions of other people will not achieve your 2024 New Year’s resolutions? ...more


March 02, 20242 min read

The BFP Mission

The BFP Mission

As we evolved, my mission was adopted by a team and became more complex. We wanted to introduce real fitness to Hampstead. We wanted to be counterculture. We wanted to stomp out the myths around fat l... ...more


March 02, 20242 min read

5 Ways Getting A Personal Trainer Can Make You Money

5 Ways Getting A Personal Trainer Can Make You Money

Multiple studies have shown that exercise improves cognitive ability. In his book “Spark,” Dr. John Ratey shows how exercise helps improve focus, fight depression and make better decisions. A sharp mi... ...more


March 02, 20243 min read

How to Thrive—Not Just Survive—During the Holidays

How to Thrive—Not Just Survive—During the Holidays

Words shape perceptions. Perceptions shape intentions. Intentions shape just about everything. Around this time of year, I often think about the trope surviving the holidays. We hear and read about th... ...more


March 02, 20243 min read

How Fitness Shortcuts Hurt Your Health

How Fitness Shortcuts Hurt Your Health

Of course, I’m referring to the get-lean-quick shakes, the crash diets, and the zero-money-down gym sign-up programs that prey on people like us. There ARE shortcuts to fitness. But there are also a l... ...more


March 02, 20246 min read

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  • info@bfpnc.com

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© 2024 Breakaway Fitness & Performance