Something Is Better Than Nothing

No Bad Workouts

August 15, 20244 min read

When it comes to building healthy habits, consistency is key. This concept is captured well by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits and his weekly newsletter, where he highlights the importance of showing up, even when motivation is low. The seemingly insignificant workouts, the ones you might be tempted to skip, are often the most crucial in developing the discipline and identity of a committed individual. Having a personal trainer can be invaluable in maintaining this consistency and staying accountable to your goals.

Consistency Over Perfection

It’s easy to hit the gym when you’re feeling energized and motivated. On those days, you might push through a challenging workout with enthusiasm. However, it’s the days when you’re not feeling your best that truly test your commitment. One way to help you get out of your own way, is to have a scheduled meeting for your workout. Working with a personal trainer can provide the motivation and encouragement needed to show up, even on tough days. Going to the gym when you’re tired or uninspired is less about the physical gains and more about reinforcing your identity as someone who values and prioritizes fitness.

Clear explains that by showing up consistently, even for a short 15-minute workout with your Trainer, you reaffirm your identity as a person who doesn’t skip workouts. This mindset shift is transformative. It’s not solely about what happens in that brief time at the gym but about cultivating the habit of being there, rain or shine. A personal trainer can help tailor your workouts to fit these shorter sessions on days where you really just can’t get in a full hour. This way, you get the most out of every minute.

Building Your Identity Through Action

Identifying with the type of person you want to become is fundamental to habit formation. In Atomic Habits, Clear emphasizes the importance of aligning your actions with the identity you wish to adopt. If you want to be the kind of person who prioritizes health and fitness, every small decision you make should reflect that identity.

For example, ask yourself: What would a strong, fit, and confident person do today? How would a health-conscious individual approach their routine? A personal trainer can guide you in making these decisions and provide personalized strategies to help you embody this identity. By acting in accordance with this identity, you slowly but surely become that person. Over time, these small actions compound, leading to significant changes in your behavior and mindset.

The Cumulative Effect of Small Actions

Even a short workout session can contribute to long-term improvement. While a 15-minute visit to the gym might not feel impactful in the moment, it serves as a building block for future success. Each time you choose to show up, you’re reinforcing the habit and making it easier to do the same next time. A personal trainer can track your progress and adjust your program to ensure consistent growth, making each session valuable.

James Clear asserts that "something is always better than nothing." This principle is vital for maintaining momentum. Consistent, small efforts accumulate over time, leading to substantial progress. Rather than focusing on the intensity of each workout, prioritize consistency. Show up regularly, and let the power of compound growth work in your favor. With the guidance of a personal trainer, you can maximize the effectiveness of your efforts, no matter how small they may seem.

Here’s Some Practical Steps to Solidify Your Identity

Set Clear Intentions: Determine the type of person you want to become and identify the habits that align with that identity. If you need some help, personal trainer can help you set realistic goals and create a plan to achieve them. We can help with that in our No Sweat Intro with a Trainer.

Start Small: Focus on small, manageable actions that you can do consistently. A short workout is better than no workout. Your trainer can design efficient workouts that fit your schedule and capabilities.

Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your consistency, even if the progress seems slow. Each step forward is a victory. Your trainer will be there to celebrate your achievements and keep you motivated.

Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your habits and make necessary adjustments to stay aligned with your desired identity. A personal trainer can provide insights and recommendations to optimize your routine.

By embracing the concept of "no bad workouts," you commit to a journey of consistent growth and self-improvement. With the support of a personal trainer, you can navigate the challenges of maintaining this consistency and ensure that each step you take is a step toward becoming the best version of yourself. Remember, it’s not about perfection but about showing up and doing your best with what you have each day. Over time, these efforts will lead to profound changes in both your physical fitness and your self-identity.

Schedule your no sweat intro with a coach by filling out the contact form on our website at bfpnc.com

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