

November 14, 20232 min read

Is it the feeling of pulling an absurd amount of weight? Or is the quick dip in the chalk bucket to get your grip ready? Whatever gets you ready to deadlift, here are a couple things you should pay attention to. Deadlifts are one of the big three regarding overall measures of strength. A hip hinge that is guaranteed to be a full body exercise highlighting your posterior chain. 

Quick Deadlift walkthrough - YouTube

Let’s talk about the set up for the deadlift. Here are 5 things you should be doing each and every time you deadlift. 

  1. Shins touching the bar. Feet hip width apart. 

  2. Screw your feet into the ground. Set pelvis. Set shoulders. Back flat. Engage core.

  3. Hinge until hands get to barbell. 

  4. Grip barbell. Choose grip (Hook, switch, conventional).

  5. Create tension. Take slack out of system. 

Once you have set yourself using these 5 tips, you are ready for the pull.
Grab the chalk and get ready!

I’d like to reinforce a couple things that are very important when deadlift, the first is creating tension. It is very important that you take the slack out of the system. If you start to lift the weight off the floor and your hips, come up first followed by your torso, that’s a good indication that you didn’t take the slack out of the system. Limits the amount of force produced. Check out this quick video on removing slack from system.

Remove slack from system! - YouTube

Now that we have walked through how to properly set up for the deadlift and how to remove slack from the system, we can discuss a couple different grips you should use to help when lifting heavy weight. The conventional/ overhand grip is easy for everyone to use and requires little getting used to. Next would be the mix grip/ switch grip. This grip will help you lift heavier weight but requires a little time to get used to. Lastly, the hook grip would be the best grip overall for lifting heavy weight but requires some time to get used to. 

We have discussed setting up for the deadlift from actual set up, to creating and maintaining tension for the duration of the lift as well as a couple different grips to try when your grip begins to go, or you are lifting heavy weight.

Remember these tips! Lift safe!

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Breakaway Fitness & Performance

Breakaway Fitness & Performance focuses on strength training, weight loss, and a healthy lifestyle in their blogs.

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