
Frictionless Fitness

June 18, 20242 min read

The quality of your decisions shapes the quality of your life. Consider this: research shows we make an average of 35,000 decisions daily! That's a lot!

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Here's a powerful strategy to make healthy choices the easy choice: pre-decision.

Pre-decision reduces friction, helping you align actions with your goals and desires. Here at BFP, we focus on 4 core health habits. Let's explore how pre-decision can be applied to each:

Nutrition: Pre-plan meals, decide on healthy restaurant options, and choose water💦 over sugary drinks.

Daily Movement: Schedule workout days🏋️‍♀️, find an accountability partner, and pre-commit to a post-meal walk🚶‍♂️.

Sleep: Set a consistent bedtime🛌 and wake-up times.

Mindfulness: Decide on a morning routine and pre-plan breathing exercises for stressful moments.

Unexpected challenges are normal in life, so it is important to preplan solutions.

A key strategy is to identify potential barriers and pre-plan solutions:

No childcare👶 for the gym? Plan home workouts!

Traveling✈️ on the weekend? Research nearby fitness options.

Pre-decision reduces, not eliminates, friction.

Remember, there will be moments when motivation dips. Don't let short-term desires derail your long-term goals. Mel Robbins' 5-second rule can help; count down 5-4-3-2-1 and take action when faced with resistance.

Whether it's getting out of bed for a workout or sticking to your healthy meal plan, pre-decision and consistent action will move you closer to your best self!

Ready to unlock your full potential? Let the nutrition coaches provide support and accountability and help you create a personalized plan for effortless health choices.

Let’s start writing your success story today, all you have to do to take the first step is click HERE now!!

Your Friendly Nutrition Coach,

Coach Melody Rouse- Owner, PN-1 and HSN Nutrition Coach🥳🌈🏋️‍♂️🍎

Breakaway Fitness & Performance LLC



Helping You Be As Awesome As Possible!

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