Become The Healthiest Version Of Yourself With Personalized Nutrition Coaching:

If you've been overindulging during the Holidays, Feeling Sluggish, Maybe A Little Frustrated, but are ready to take back control of your health, motivation, and nutrition, our Nutrition Coaching Program is for you!!

Discover Why Our Program Has A 95% Success Rate.


Meet With A Nutrition Coach 1 on 1

Regardless of your current level of health, we have the right program for you. You'll meet with a nutrition coach who will help you determine which which version of the program will help you hit your goals.

Create Your Personal Plan

A good coach learns your goals. A great coach learns you true "why" behind those goals. Then they set you on the path to achieve them. Then, they hold you accountable to the daily actions that help you get there.

Just Show Up And Become Your Best Self

From start to finish we are right by your side providing you with all the support, motivation, accountability, and guidance that you need to keep you right on track to guarantee you are achieving maximum results. All you need to do is show up and let us handle the rest!

How A Nutrition Coach At BFP Can Help You:

  • Program written and backed by a registered dietician

  • Receive 100s of recipes and snack ideas

  • Daily support and accountability through the Healthy Steps Nutrition App

  • ONE 75 Minute Initial Consult

  • Monthly 1 on 1 Accountability Meetings

  • An Individualized Plan Addressing Nutrition, Sleep, Fitness and More!

In 90 Days You'll:

Get Toned Fast

Improve your physique through personalized nutrition coaching

Skyrocket Your Energy

Proper nutrition can give you limitless energy. How amazing would it feel to have more energy each day.

Feel Leaner & Stronger

Body composition will change making clothes fit better. As well as your overall strength will increase

Increase Quality of Life

Your blood markers will improve, you and you'll have better longer term health.

Mood Improves

Your self confidence will improve as you feel healthier, stronger, and look leaner. Your anxiety will decrease as well.

Sleep Better

Your self confidence will improve as you feel healthier, stronger, and look leaner.

These Hampstead & Surf City Residents Tried Tons Of Diets & Boring Workouts That Simply Didn't Work, That Is, Until They Found Us!

I have been involved in some kind of fitness since I was in high school. This is by far the best gym I have ever been a part of. They coaches provide consistent feedback to help you push yourself and get to the next level. The people are very friendly and supportive. I have never been so motivated to stick to a workout routine! Every class is fun and challenging.


Kayleigh Kunselman

BFP Family Member for 1 year

I’ve worked out for a good part of my adult life (I’m almost 45), and this is the best gym I’ve been a part of by far! The coaches are very personable and on point with their knowledge and coaching skills. They take a genuine interest in you and your personal goals. They guide you not only with fitness but with a knowledge of nutrition and a plan to help you execute those goals. The community is like a family and I’ve made so many incredible friends. I just came upon my 3rd anniversary of being a member and I’m in better shape now than I’ve ever been! Thank you BFP!!!!


Christian Kennedy

BFP Family Member for 3+ Years

Meet Your Certified Nutrition Coach

Have you ever asked yourself:

✅ How can I improve my health and be more consistent in the gym?

✅ I'm feeling low on energy - is there a better way then just more caffeine?

✅How can I find time to workout and improve my nutrition without having to do it all on my own?

✅How do I get healthy when my schedule is so crazy?

If so, you're in the right place...

Changing your long term health can be tough but with the right coaching team, community and accountability that consistently help you towards your fitness goals - it becomes much easier.

If you're frustrated and unclear what to do next with your health and fitness level and you want a body / health transformation, then we can help you so you'll never struggle again to get fit and feel healthy.

BFP is made up of a team of Dietician Backed Nutrition Coaches and Certified Personal Trainers. Our team is considered the BEST in the area at helping people achieve life long habits that help you stay fit, strong, and confident no matter how busy your schedule.

They are the experts people turn to when they need help with their own health, fitness, nutrition, and mindset.

No matter what your current level of fitness is, the BFP Team can show you how to reclaim your body fast and achieve your health and transformation dreams.

So if you are a busy mom or dad and you live in Hampstead, Holly Ridge, or Surf City, and you are tired of being low on energy, not feeling as confident as you like and would rather "show up and be told what to do", instead of figuring it out all on your own, this is the program for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect at the end of 90 days? Can I keep going?

In short, you'll feel like a new you! You'll have a new found energy and enjoyment for exercise, along with new healthy habits making you feel healthier, happier, fitter and stronger! After the 90 days, we will meet with you to discuss next steps. In short, yes. You can keep going! We have ongoing membership and nutrition coaching options and we will help find the best one for you!

Should I workout everyday?

Nope! Not in our program. It isn't needed to get the results you are looking for. Now, if you would like to, we can discuss this but it most definitely isn't required.

What type of diet will I be following?

DIET is a 4 letter word here at BFP> In our nutrition coaching program that is a part of our 90 Day Transformation Program, you won't be asked to follow a diet. You'll meet with your private nutrition coach and decide, together, what specific habit you'll work on for the month. Once you decide, your coach will be there every step of the way to hold you accountable. It's like having a nutrition coach in your back pocket!

What else does this involve?

Our Nutrition Coaching Program is backed by Registered Dieticians through Healthy Steps Nutrition. It is a Habit Based Coaching program where we help you focus on one healthy habit at a time. This will be individual to each person coming into the program. You'll get an Initial 1 hour 15min meeting with your nutrition coach. Then you'll daily access to your coach within the Healthy Steps Nutrition App. Each month, you'll meet in person with your coach for 30mins. You'll discuss bright spots as well as next steps and what habit to work on next. You'll be getting education and resources to help you all along the way!

What supplements should I be taking?

Again, it depends. Generally, none. However if you aren't getting enough veggies or maybe not enough protein, we have an entire line of tasty and clean supplements at BFP that we can recommend. This would be a great conversation to have with your nutrition coach. More than likely, if we get you eating well, none are needed. They are more than likely helpful when you get super busy.

I'm nervous. Can I just come in and meet with a coach 1 on 1?

Of course. In fact, most of our folks start out like you. We actually require everyone who comes through our program to go through an Initial Coaching Session before they get started. That way, the Coach can prescribe the best program for you!

Contact Us


15200 Hwy 17 N Suite E Hampstead, NC 28443